Sunday, October 17, 2010

I've read the first 50 pages... I find the book interesting. It's horrible to think about all the things these women go through: getting diagnosed, having meds make them feel super sick, thinking they are going to die whenever they get a little cold or something common, not being able to have normal romantic relationships, feeling rejection from others, etc... I couldn't believe the story about the woman that was wrongly diagnosed! She thought she was HIV+ for 4 years!!!!!
It seems the HIV+ women become big supports for each other and almost develop a "community."

I'm having difficulty stopping to read the factual information in the boxes and the reflections from the authors. I wish there was less of that.

I read the first few pages about why they chose to include angels (pages 47-50). I understood parts of the rationale but not all. I'll read it again.


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