Monday, October 18, 2010

Notes, Part Dos

Ok, I've read a couple more chapters, but I will have to stop here for this week.

Chapter 4
Interesting that Linda B chose to sing -- music therapy! Her lungs not only got stronger, the music itself may have been healing.

Wow, so many women have mentioned their concerns about health insurance and drug costs. Here we are, 15 year later, and things don't seem any better.

Chapter 5
Geneva's mandatory AIDS test -- isn't that illegal?

Living in constant fear. . . when you're ill, is it something bad or just a "'normal' person's cold?"

"White gay disease." Is it still perceived that way? Makes me think of all the PSA posters I saw in the Castro district of San Francisco last summer.

Lather identifies herself and Smithies clearly: "non HIV+ women telling stories which are not ours. Such a position cannot escape being, to some extent, part of the traditional spectator-narrator, purveying the less fortunate, parading our good will."

Interesting. . . Lather seems concerned that she's talking in binaries (HIV- vs. HIV+); but, isn't that in, itself, a binary (talking in binaries vs. not talking in binaries)?

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for making the reference to music therapy!!!!! later on in the book they talk about singing for comfort too!
