Saturday, November 20, 2010

Further Readings

Let's build off this post to list further books and articles we'd like to read as a result of this book.

Myself, I'm interested in HIV+ women choosing to become pregnant. There's a lot of moral arguments wrapped up in this issue but there's also a lot of science to support their rights, as well. There is a recent document created by a conference in March 2010 at Harvard that sums up the research and lists the current gaps in the field. I would like to read this...

Other good suggestions would probably be further books on methodology and issues of representation or social justice for PLWHA's.


  1. I'm interested in reading Tony Kushner's play Angels in America. Patti referenced it many times in her field notes. A quick google search indicated that the play has been turned into a television miniseries, an opera, and was used as the basis for music that was composed for a festival that celebrated Kushner's work. The opera, especially, piqued my interest.

  2. I'm also curious to read research that has been done on how women are coping the disease in the new millennium -- now that treatment has advanced to the point that a diagnosis is not an immediate death sentence. I'll get back to you with specific sources!

  3. Here are some sources I found:

    Buseh, A.G. & Stevens, P.E. (2006). Constrained but not determined by stigma: Resistance by African American women living with HIV. Women & Health, 44(3), 1–18.

    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2010, July 27). HIV/AIDS statistics and surveillance. Retrieved from basic.htm#hivaidsage

    Clum, G.A., Andrinopoulos, K., Muessig, K., Ellen, J.M. (2009). Child abuse in young, HIV-positive women: Linkages to risk. Qualitative Health Research, 19(12), 1755–1768.

    Desclaux, A. & Alfieri, C. (2009). Counseling and choosing between infant-feeding options: Overall limits and local interpretations by healthcare providers and women living with HIV in resource-poor countries (Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Cameroon). Social Science & Medicine, 69(6), 821–829.

    Eötvös, P. Angels in America – The opera (I’m not sure how to cite this. To the best of my knowledge, it has not been released on DVD; however, PBS had promised to air it on television in 2006. . . but I could not find an airdate, nor is it listed on their website. The recording for PBS was made at the opera’s premiere on November 23, 2004 at the Théâtre du Châtelet in Paris.)

    Kanniappan, S., Jeyapaul, M.J., Kalyanwala, S. (2008). Desire for motherhood: Exploring HIV-positive women’s desires, intentions, and decision-making in attaining motherhood. AIDS Care, 20(6), 626–630.

    Keegan, A., Lambert, S., Petrak, J. (2005). Sex and relationships for HIV-positive women since HAART: A qualitative study. AIDS Patient Care & STDs, 19(10), 645–654.

    Wilson, H.S., Hutchinson, S.A., Holzemer, W.L. (2002). Reconciling incompatibilities: A grounded theory of HIV medication adherence and symptom management. Qualitative Health Research, 12(10), 1309.
