Sunday, November 21, 2010

Lots of stuff

1) The book was powerful. As a gay male, I think it is important to relate the tension and perhaps uncomfortable moments the book caused me. I wonder of there is an appropriate way to make a connection in our presentation for this issue. The whole 'validity' is real, hits-home, applicable, etc.

ISSUES FROM CLASS - Relating to text
From my notes here are some topics:

Naturalistic environment- studying the subject (?)
Participatory action research- working on the effort together
Queer theory (?)
Who is the research for? For whom? Researching on whom? Research about whom?
Research as Praxis- everyone gets smarter
Ethics- Do no harm to the subject
Methodology- What was the research design? Did they pilot questions? (I can't remember)
Progressive focusing - I see this relating to questions they asked

Was the data minimally or maximally mediated?

I have several other points in the notes that are 'maybes':
Troubling the binaries
False consciousness
the use of bias in research work
truth of voice

Do we want to simply define these terms and explain the text relation to the class?

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